I Want To Go To There: Grimm Tales Come to Life

Our love for all things Grimm is no secret. So it’s always a thrill to see others ‘fangirl’ over their classic stories, and witness how this storytelling power duo inspire new creative work, whether it’s poetry, fiction, or film. Recently, The Huffington Post featured a German photographer, Kilian Schönberger, whose childhood in the misty, dark woods of the Grimm Brothers’ fabled homeland spurred him on to capture these haunting images:

The Mill by Kilian Schonberger

The Mill by Kilian Schonberger

Dark Avenue by Kilian Schonberger

Dark Avenue by Kilian Schonberger

Woodland by Kilian Schonberger

Woodland by Kilian Schonberger

Cliff by Kilian Schoenberger

Cliff by Kilian Schoenberger

His contemporary photographs manage to generate a good degree of spine tingling, documenting a landscape that is still as eerie today, as it was in our earliest encounters with Grimm folklore. If nothing else, his work only helps add fuel to the fire as to why we need to organize a Fairy Tale World Tour as soon as humanly possible, where we visit the locales of famous fables and myths, trod the footsteps of legendary authors, and soak up the magic of literary worlds come to life!

Visit Kilian Schönberger’s website for more ethereal images, which are organized in intriguing collections such as Northern Landscapes, Into the Woods, and Mountainscapes.

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